Odnos religije i nauke

Odnos između religije i nauke je bio u fokusu problema demarkacije. Izjave o svijetu koje čine religija i nauka se temelje na različitim metodologijama. Reliogije se oslanjaju na objavu dok se nauka temelji na zapažanju odnosno ponavljajućim iskustvima. Neki učenjaci tvrde da su nauka i religije odvojene - primjer za to su konfliktna teza Johna Williama Drapera i nepraklapajući magisteriji Stephena Jaya Goulda, dok ostali (Thomas Berry, Brian Swimme, Ken Wilber, i dr.) predlažu spajanje. Pew Forum je objavio podatke o nauci i religiji.[1]


  1. „Science in America: Religious Belief and Public Attitudes”. 

Eksterni linkovi

  • Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion in the University of Oxford
  • Religion and Science, Alvin Plantinga on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • Counterbalance.org: Science and Religion Project
  • "Faith and Reason" – website about the historical relations between science and religion, PBS
  • Is Science Killing the Soul? – Discussion with atheists Richard Dawkins and Steven Pinker on Edge Foundation.
  • Meaning of Life A collection of video interviews with prominent scientists about topics relating science and religion (requires WMV or RealMedia software)
  • Religion and Science Arhivirano 2010-02-02 na Wayback Machine-u An article critical of the idea that religion and science occupy different realms of inquiry by Michael Ruse (with links to many other articles of the same theme), from Butterflies and Wheels.
  • Clash in Cambridge: Science and religion seem as antagonistic as ever – by John Horgan, Scientific American, September 2005
  • "Science at the Crossroads" Arhivirano 2009-09-30 na Wayback Machine-u – Dalai Lama address to the Society for Neuroscience, 2005-11-12
  • Evolution, Naturalism, and Religion Arhivirano 2007-12-01 na Wayback Machine-u, Greg Graffin's CornellEvolutionProject.org
  • How the Public Resolves Conflicts Between Faith and Science, David Masci, Pew Research Center
  • Robert M. Young (1985). „Darwin's Metaphor: Nature's Place in Victorian Culture”. Cambridge University Press. Pristupljeno 31. 08. 2007. 
  • Zygon Journal of Religion and Science
  • Science and Religion Arhivirano 2016-08-21 na Wayback Machine-u by Archbishop Luke of Crimea, an Eastern Orthodox perspective
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