World Fantasy díj a legjobb regényért

A World Fantasy díj legjobb regény kategóriájának győztesei és jelöltjei, évenkénti lebontásban. Az évszám mellett a győztes mű és írója, alatta a további jelöltek.

Győztesek és jelöltek

  • 1975: Óföld elfeledett vadjai, Patricia A. McKillip
    • A Midsummer Tempest, Poul Anderson
    • Merlin's Ring, H. Warner Munn
  • 1976: Bid Time Return, Richard Matheson
  • 1977: Doctor Rat, William Kotzwinkle
    • The Doll Who Ate His Mother, Ramsey Campbell
    • The Dragon and the George, Gordon R. Dickson
    • The Sailor on the Seas of Fate, Michael Moorcock
    • The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights, John Steinbeck
    • Dark Crusade, Karl Edward Wagner
  • 1978: Éjasszonyok, Fritz Leiber
    • The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, Stephen R. Donaldson
    • The Hour of the Oxrun Dead, Charles L. Grant
  • 1979: Gloriána, avagy a kielégítetlen királynő, Michael Moorcock
    • The Black Castle, Les Daniels
    • The Sound of Midnight, Charles L. Grant
    • Végítélet, Stephen King
    • Night's Master, Tanith Lee
  • 1980: Watchtower, Elizabeth A. Lynn
    • The Last Call of Mourning, Charles L. Grant
    • The Dancers of Arun, Elizabeth A. Lynn
    • Harpist in the Wind, Patricia A. McKillip
    • The Dark Bright Water, Patricia Wrightson
    • The Palace, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
  • 1981: A kínvallató árnya, Gene Wolfe
    • Firelord, Parke Godwin
    • A köd, Stephen King
    • Shadowland, Peter Straub
    • Ariosto, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
  • 1982: Little, Big, John Crowley
    • The Nameless, Ramsey Campbell
    • Harcikutya, Michael Moorcock
    • The White Hotel, D. M. Thomas
    • A Békéltető ereklyéje, Gene Wolfe
  • 1983: Nifft the Lean, Michael Shea
    • The Nestling, Charles L. Grant
    • Lázálom, George R. R. Martin
    • Phantom, Thomas Tessier
    • A lictor kardja, Gene Wolfe
  • 1984: The Dragon Waiting, John M. Ford
    • Állattemető, Stephen King
    • The Wandering Unicorn, Manuel Mujica Lainez
    • Tea with the Black Dragon, R. A. MacAvoy
    • The Armageddon Rag, George R. R. Martin
    • Lyonesse, Jack Vance
  • 1985: Mythago Wood, Robert Holdstock
  • 1985: Bridge of Birds, Barry Hughart
    • Archer's Goon, Diana Wynne Jones
    • A Talizmán, Stephen King & Peter Straub
    • The Ceremonies, T. E. D. Klein
  • 1986: Káli dala, Dan Simmons
    • Kárhozat, Clive Barker
    • Illywhacker, Peter Carey
    • The Dream Years, Lisa Goldstein
    • Winterking, Paul Hazel
    • Lestat, a vámpír, Anne Rice
  • 1987: A parfüm – Egy gyilkos története, Patrick Süskind
    • Talking Man, Terry Bisson
    • The Pet, Charles L. Grant
    • Az, Stephen King
    • Idegenek, Dean R. Koontz
    • The Tricksters, Margaret Mahy
    • Soldier of the Mist, Gene Wolfe
    • Portrait of Callum McKendrick As A Young African Boy, Edgar Fong
  • 1988: Replay, Ken Grimwood
  • 1989: Koko, Peter Straub
    • The Last Coin, James P. Blaylock
    • Sleeping in Flame, Jonathan Carroll
    • Fade, Robert Cormier
    • A bárányok hallgatnak, Thomas Harris
    • The Drive-In, Joe R. Lansdale
  • 1990: Lyonesse: Madouc, Jack Vance
    • A Child Across the Sky, Jonathan Carroll
    • In a Dark Dream, Charles L. Grant
    • The Stress of Her Regard, Tim Powers
    • Carrion Comfort, Dan Simmons
    • Soldier of Arete, Gene Wolfe
  • 1991: Only Begotten Daughter, James Morrow
  • 1991: Thomas the Rhymer, Ellen Kushner
  • 1992: Boy's Life, Robert R. McCammon
    • Hunting the Ghost Dancer, A.A. Attanasio
    • The Paper Grail, James P. Blaylock
    • Bone Dance, Emma Bull
    • Outside the Dog Museum, Jonathan Carroll
    • The Little Country, Charles de Lint
  • 1993: Last Call, Tim Powers
    • Anno Dracula, Kim Newman
    • Was, Geoff Ryman
    • Photographing Fairies, Steve Szilagyi
    • Briar Rose, Jane Yolen
  • 1994: Glimpses, Lewis Shiner
    • A fogadós éneke, Peter S. Beagle
    • Drawing Blood, Poppy Z. Brite
    • Skin, Kathe Koja
    • Torok, Peter Straub
    • The Iron Dragon's Daughter, Michael Swanwick
    • Lord of the Two Lands, Judith Tarr
  • 1995: Towing Jehovah, James Morrow
    • Brittle Innings, Michael Bishop
    • From The Teeth of Angels, Jonathan Carroll
    • Love & Sleep, John Crowley
    • Waking the Moon, Elizabeth Hand
    • The Circus of the Earth and the Air, Brooke Stevens
  • 1996: A tökéletes trükk, Christopher Priest
    • All the Bells on Earth, James P. Blaylock
    • Red Earth and Pouring Rain, Vikram Chandra
    • The Silent Strength of Stones, Nina Kiriki Hoffman
    • Requiem, Graham Joyce
    • Expiration Date, Tim Powers
  • 1997: Godmother Night, Rachel Pollack
    • Shadow of Ashland, Terence M. Green
    • The Bear Went Over the Mountain, William Kotzwinkle
    • The 37th Mandala, Marc Laidlaw
    • Trónok harca, George R. R. Martin
    • The Golden Key, Melanie Rawn, Jennifer Roberson és Kate Elliott
    • Devil's Tower, Mark Sumner
  • 1998: The Physiognomy, Jeffrey Ford
    • Trader, Charles de Lint
    • American Goliath, Harvey Jacobs
    • The Gift, Patrick O'Leary
    • Dry Water, Eric S. Nylund
  • 1999: The Antelope Wife, Louise Erdrich
    • Someplace to Be Flying, Charles de Lint
    • Sailing to Sarantium, Guy Gavriel Kay
    • Mockingbird, Sean Stewart
    • The Martyring, Thomas Sullivan
  • 2000: Thraxas, Martin Scott
    • Tamsin története, Peter S. Beagle
    • The Rainy Season, James P. Blaylock
    • A Hold Udvara, Steven Erikson
    • A Witness To Life, Terence M. Green
    • A Red Heart of Memories, Nina Kiriki Hoffman
  • 2001: Declare, Tim Powers
  • 2001: Galveston, Sean Stewart
  • 2002: The Other Wind, Ursula K. Le Guin
  • 2003: The Facts of Life, Graham Joyce
  • 2003: Ombria in Shadow, Patricia A. McKillip
    • The Portrait of Mrs. Charbuque, Jeffrey Ford
    • Fitcher's Brides, Gregory Frost
    • Armada, China Miéville
  • 2004: Tooth and Claw, Jo Walton
  • 2005: A Hollókirály, Susanna Clarke
    • The Runes of the Earth]', Stephen R. Donaldson
    • Iron Council, China Miéville
    • Perfect Circle, Sean Stewart
    • The Wizard Knight, Gene Wolfe
  • 2006: Kafka a tengerparton, Murakami Haruki
    • Vellum, Hal Duncan
    • Lunar Park, Bret Easton Ellis
    • The Limits of Enchantment, Graham Joyce
    • Od Magic, Patricia A. McKillip
    • A Princess of Roumania, Paul Park
  • 2007: Soldier of Sidon, Gene Wolfe
  • 2008 Ysabel, Guy Gavriel Kay
    • Territory, Emma Bull
    • Fangland, John Marks
    • Gospel of the Knife, Will Shetterly
    • The Servants, Michael Marshall Smith
  • 2009 (megosztva) The Shadow Year, Jeffrey Ford és Tender Morsels, Margo Lanagan
  • 2010 A város és a város között, China Miéville[1]
    • Blood of Ambrose, James Enge
    • The Red Tree, Caitlín R. Kiernan
    • Finch, Jeff VanderMeer
    • In Great Waters, Kit Whitfield
  • 2011 Who Fears Death, Nnedi Okorafor
    • Zoo City, Lauren Beukes
    • The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, N. K. Jemisin
    • The Silent Land, Graham Joyce
    • Under Heaven, Guy Gavriel Kay
    • Redemption in Indigo, Karen Lord
  • 2012 Osama, Láví Tidhár
    • Those Across the River, Christopher Buehlman
    • 11/22/63, Stephen King
    • Sárkányok tánca, George R. R. Martin
    • Among Others, Jo Walton
  • 2013 Alif the Unseen, G. Willow Wilson
    • The Killing Moon, N. K. Jemisin
    • Some Kind of Fairy Tale, Graham Joyce
    • The Drowning Girl, Caitlín R. Kiernan
    • Crandolin, Anna Tambour

Kapcsolódó szócikkek


  1. SF Signal - Winners: 2010 World Fantasy Awards. [2010. november 2-i dátummal az eredetiből archiválva]. (Hozzáférés: 2011. április 15.)

Külső hivatkozások

  • World Fantasy Convention