Radical 187

Chinese radical "horse"
← 186 Radical 187 (U+2FBA) 188 →
(U+99AC) "horse"
Cantonese Yale:ma5
Japanese Kana:バ ba / マ ma / メ me (on'yomi)
うま uma (kun'yomi)
Sino-Korean:마 ma
Chinese name(s):(Left) 馬字旁/马字旁 mǎzìpáng
(Bottom) 馬字底/马字底 mǎzìdǐ
Japanese name(s):馬/うま uma
(Left) 馬偏/うまへん umahen
Hangul:말 mal
Stroke order animation
Stroke order in Hong Kong
Stroke order of the simplified form

Radical 187 or radical horse (馬部) meaning "horse" is one of the 8 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals in total) composed of 10 strokes.

In the Kangxi Dictionary, there are 472 characters (out of 49,030) to be found under this radical.

, the simplified form of , is the 58th indexing component in the Table of Indexing Chinese Character Components predominantly adopted by Simplified Chinese dictionaries published in mainland China, while the traditional form is listed as its associated indexing component. The simplified form is derived from the cursive script form of .


Derived characters

Strokes Characters (馬) Characters (马)
+0 SC (=馬)
+2 馭 馮 SC (=馭)
+3 馯 馰 馱 馲 馳 馴 馵 SC (=馱) 驯SC (=馴) 驰SC (=馳)
+4 馶 馷 馸 馹 馺 馻 馼 馽 馾 馿 (=驢) 駀 駁 駂 駃 駄 (=馱) 駅JP (=驛) 駆JP (=驅) 駇 (=馼) SC (=驅) 驲SC (=馹) 驳SC (=駁) 驴SC (=驢)
+5 駈 (=驅) 駉 駊 駋 駌 駍 駎 駏 駐 駑 駒 駓 駔 駕 駖 駗 駘 駙 駚 駛 駜 駝 駞 駟 駠 SC (=駔) 驶SC (=駛) 驷SC (=駟) 驸SC (=駙) 驹SC (=駒) 驺SC (=騶) 驻SC (=駐) 驼SC (=駝) 驽SC (=駑) 驾SC (=駕) 驿SC (=驛) 骀SC (=駘)
+6 駡 (=罵 -> ) 駢 駣 駤 駥 駦 駧 駨 駩 駪 駫 駬 駭 駮 駯 駰 駱 駲 SC (=驍) 骂SC (=罵 -> ) 骃SC (=駰) 骄SC (=驕) 骅SC (=驊) 骆SC (=駱) 骇SC (=駭) 骈SC (=駢) 骉SC (=驫)
+7 駴 駵 (=騮) 駶 駷 駸 駹 駺 駻 駼 駽 駾 駿 騀 騁 騂 騃 SC (=驪) 骋SC (=騁) 验SC (=驗) 骍SC (=騂) 骎SC (=駸) 骏SC (=駿)
+8 駳 騄 騅 騆 騇 騈 (=駢) 騉 騊 騋 騌 (=騣) 騍 騎 騏 騐 (=驗) 騑 騒JP (=騷) 験JP (=驗) SC (=騏) 骑SC (=騎) 骒SC (=騍) 骓SC (=騅) 骔 (=騌) 骕SC (=驌) 骖SC (=驂)
+9 騔 騕 騖 騗 (=騙) 騘 騙 騚 騛 騜 騝 騞 騟 騠 騡 騢 騣 騤 騥 騦 騧 騨JP (=驒) SC (=騙) 骘SC (=騭) 骙SC (=騤) 骚SC (=騷) 骛SC (=騖)
+10 騩 騪 騫 騬 騭 騮 騯 騰 騱 騲 騳 騴 騵 騶 騷 騸 SC (=驁) 骝SC (=騮) 骞SC (=騫) 骟SC (=騸)
+11 騹 (=騏) 騺 騻 騼 騽 騾 騿 驀 驁 驂 驃 驄 驅 驆 驇 (=騺) SC (=驃) 骡SC (=騾) 骢SC (=驄)
+12 驈 驉 驊 驋 驌 驍 驎 驏 驐 驑 (=騮) 驒 驓 驔 驕 SC (=驏)
+13 驖 驗 驘 (=騾) 驙 驚 驛 驜
+14 驝 驞 驟 SC (=驟)
+16 驠 驡 驢 驣 SC (=驥)
+17 驤 驥 驦 驧 SC (=驦) 骧SC (=驤)
+18 驨 驩


The radical is also used as an independent Chinese character. It is one of the Kyōiku kanji or Kanji taught in elementary school in Japan.[1] It is a second grade kanji[1]


  1. ^ a b "The Kyoiku Kanji (教育漢字) - Kanshudo". www.kanshudo.com. Archived from the original on March 24, 2022. Retrieved 2023-05-06.


  • Fazzioli, Edoardo (1987). Chinese calligraphy : from pictograph to ideogram : the history of 214 essential Chinese/Japanese characters. calligraphy by Rebecca Hon Ko. New York: Abbeville Press. ISBN 0-89659-774-1.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Radical 187.
  • Unihan Database - U+99AC
  • v
  • t
  • e
Chinese radicals according to the Kangxi Dictionary
1 stroke
2 strokes
3 strokes
4 strokes
5 strokes
6 strokes
7 strokes
8 strokes
9 strokes
10 strokes
11 strokes
12 strokes
13 strokes
14 strokes
15 strokes
16 strokes
17 strokes
See also: Kangxi radicals
  • v
  • t
  • e
Simplified Chinese characters radicals (indexing components)
1 stroke
2 strokes
3 strokes
4 strokes
5 strokes
6 strokes
7 strokes
8 strokes
9 strokes
10 strokes
11 strokes
12 strokes
13 strokes
14 strokes
17 strokes
GF 0011-2009 Table of Indexing Chinese Character Components prescribes 201 principle indexing components and 100 associated indexing components (in brackets) used in Simplified Chinese. Not all associated indexing components are listed above.