
Einarsson is an Icelandic surname, meaning son of Einar' an Old Norse name meaning 'one warrior'. In Icelandic names, the name is not strictly a surname, but a patronymic. Notable people with the name include:

  • Björn Einarsson (born 1978), Swedish bandy player
  • Gissur Einarsson (1512–1548), Icelandic Protestant clergyman; first Lutheran bishop in Iceland
  • Gylfi Einarsson (born 1978), Icelandic professional football player
  • Magnús Einarsson (1092–1148), Icelandic Roman Catholic clergyman; Bishop of Skálholt 1134–48
  • Mats Einarsson (born 1960), Swedish politician; member of the Riksdag 1998–2006
  • Per Einarsson (born 1984), Swedish bandy player
  • Sigfús Einarsson (1877−1939), Icelandic composer
  • Sveinn Einarsson (born 1934), Icelandic theater director
  • Thorfinn Turf-Einarsson, Earl of Orkney (died 963), Earl of Orkney
  • Ulf Einarsson (born 1981), Swedish bandy player
  • Vilhjálmur Einarsson (1934–2019), Icelandic Olympic athlete
Surname list
This page lists people with the surname Einarsson.
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